We are proud of our dedicated and well-trained staff team, some of whom have worked at Bethany House for many years. A professional attitude is maintained at all times, ensuring courtesy, respect, and kindness towards each resident.
We recognise the importance of personal choice and seek to provide the support necessary to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of individual residents.
“I like the way Mum is cared for in the way she wants: late to get up and early to bed. Her difficulty with eating is recognised and food is saved for her for when she is hungry. Mum is encouraged to walk and keep her mobility.”
AR (family member)

We aim to ensure that you receive the care that is most appropriate for you. A detailed care plan is prepared for each person who moves to Bethany House, which determines how we will try to meet individual needs. Regular assessments are made to ensure those needs are being met. We encourage participation by you and your relatives in the preparation of the care plan and in the ongoing reviews of care needs.
If you have a period of sickness, we will endeavour to offer care if it can be contained and dealt with by staff at that time. Within our resources, we are prepared to care for you through any final illness, but we do reserve the right to ask next of kin or a representative to relocate residents who are outside the scope of care and attention the home can offer.
You may register with a local GP or keep your own GP, provided he or she is willing to come and visit you at Bethany House, should the need arise.

Home-made meals are freshly cooked by our catering team using high-quality produce from local suppliers and refreshments are served throughout the day. We provide low-sugar foods for people with diabetes. Please ask us about other dietary needs, food allergies and personal preferences.
Meals are served in the dining room in a relaxed environment. We can also serve your meal in your room or arrange for you to have your meal at a different time to fit in with your day’s appointments and activities.

We can re-order, collect and administer medication which has been prescribed for residents. In appropriate circumstances you may wish to be responsible for your own medication, which must then be kept in a locked drawer in your room. If any non-prescription medicines are used, the staff need to be kept informed, as daily records are kept of all medication used by each resident.
We discourage the use of alcohol, particularly in view of possible contraindications with medication or medical conditions. It is essential that any consumption of alcohol is discussed first with a senior carer, to enable a risk assessment and inclusion in your care plan. Alcohol is not permitted in communal areas. In both cases, please discuss your wishes with us during your enquiries.
Bethany House is a non-smoking home. If you are a smoker, it may be possible to make arrangements for you to smoke off the premises, subject to a risk assessment.

Bethany House has a Christian ethos, and we aim to facilitate residents in following their faith while living here. Where you would like to participate in the local church of your own denomination, we’ll do all we can to help you. There are also a number of Christian devotions and services held in the home – please visit our activities page for more details.
Our pastoral team is available to provide spiritual support for residents, their families and friends. Pastoral visits can include: scripture reading and prayer; a listening ear; answering questions about faith, life and death; end of life support.
You are also welcome to receive pastoral visits from your own church. In addition to our provision as a Christian charity, residents of any faith or none can be helped to access spiritual support in their own tradition.

The current fees for self-funding residents are shown in our Key Facts leaflet. This leaflet also explains the services included.
A further leaflet explains how your fees may change and what happens, for example, if you have a temporary absence, such as a holiday or in hospital.
Unlike healthcare delivered by the NHS, residential care for older people isn’t free to everyone. Most people pay something towards the cost, although the amount depends on their individual circumstances. View our funding leaflet for more details about funding arrangements.
All leaflets are available from our home page.

We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which inspects Bethany House. At our last inspection, the CQC rating was ‘Good’. A copy of the inspection report can be found on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk or you can ask us for a copy. You can also ask for a copy of our statement of purpose.
Preston Bethany Care (the charity which manages Bethany House) has also achieved the Investors in People Award and ISO 9001 accreditation. These external awards demonstrate that we have achieved a certain standard in the way Bethany House is managed.
Bethany House has been awarded the highest food hygiene rating.

At Bethany House we welcome feedback from you and your family. If you have a comment or compliment to make at any time, please let us know by either speaking or writing to the manager. Slips are also available at the reception desk. Should you feel that something isn’t right, details of how to complain are on our ‘Contact’ page.
We hold regular meetings for residents and families and also ask residents formally for their comments via our annual residents’ questionnaire. These are reviewed by the manager, and the information gained helps us to improve the service we provide.